Focus on Healthcare & Medical Technologies
This program enables students to develop their understanding of basic health care procedures, including the safe use of appropriate instruments, equipment, and materials. Students will focus on health care fundamentals, including the anatomical features and physiology of the major body systems and the factors that affect homeostasis in the human body. Student will use case studies to apply anatomy and physiology to the clinical setting.
Students will analyze environmental and societal issues related to healthcare of the community and the greater population, including the socioeconomic indicators of healthcare. Students will have the opportunity to explore medical ethics from a case study perspective as well as gain an understanding of how the decision making process works in Ontario hospitals. Students will learn about professional practice standards and career opportunities in the healthcare field through research and guest speakers currently working in the healthcare field.
Students will develop clinical skills including; communication skills, taking a set of vital signs; CPR/First Aid Level C, venipuncture and delivery of parenteral medications.

- CPR/First Aid/AED/ Level C
- Infection Control
- Athletic Taping
- Medical Terminology
- Mental Health First Aid
Reach Ahead Opportunities
- U of Guelph Anatomy Lab,
- OICR (Ontario Institute of Cancer Research)
- George Brown College- Waterfront Health Sciences Campus
- Discovery Days in Health Sciences- McMaster University
opportunities may vary from year to year
Experiential Learning
- Halton Skills- First Aid/CPR
- McMaster Brain Bee
- HOSA competition- participating in competitions in Medical Terminology, Forensic Medicine, Biomedical Debate, Medical Math & First Aid/CPR

Heath Care SHSM Course Bundle
The Health Care SHSM is a focused program where most required components are completed during a student's grade 11 year. Grade 11 SHSM students enroll in Grade 11 Health Care, Grade 11 Biology, and Grade 12 Health Care. Most of a student's SHSM certifications would also take place during this year. These elements are designed to support each other as students learn about health care and the health care industry.
Apprenticeship, College, and Workplace Pathway
University Pathway
Grade 11 Courses
Major Credits
- Grade 11 Health Care (TPJ3C or TPJ3M)
- Grade 11 Religion
Minor Credit
- Grade 11 Biology (SBI3C or SBI3U)
Grade 11 Courses
Major Credits
- Grade 11 Health Care (TPJ3M)
- Grade 11 Biology (SBI3U) *
Minor Credit
- One of:
- Grade 11 Chemistry (SCH3U) *
- Grade 11 Physics (SPH3U) *
Grade 12 Courses
Major Credits
- Grade 12 Health Care (TPJ4C or TPJ4M) - Recommended taken in grade 11
- Select at least one of:
- Gerontology (TOJ4C)
- Families in Canada (HHS4U)
- Human Growth and Development (HHG4M)
- Female Funfit (PAF4OF)
- Weight Training (PAF4OW)
Grade 12 Courses
Major Credits
- Grade 12 Health Care (TPJ4M) - Recommended taken in grade 11
- Grade 12 Biology (SBI4U)
*Note: Gerontology (TOJ4C) or Kinesiology (PSK4U) can replace one of: SHC3U, SPH3U, SCH4U, or SBI4U
Every SHSM student must earn two co-op credits and gain the benefits of experiential learning. Co-op can be earned during:
- Day school - 2 credits
- Summer School - 2 credits
- Night School - 1 credit per session
Math & English
1 Math Credit at any level:
1 English Credit at any level:
Ready to Apply?
See the current application process for applying to the Health and Wellness SHSM program.