Grade 9 Tech

Try Tech in Grade 9

The Ministry of Education is rolling out a plan for all Ontario students to complete a Technological Education course in their grade 9 or 10 year in order to graduate.

Can't wait to try a tech course?  Not sure what areas of technological education you will explore?  We offer several grade courses for grade 9 students.

These are focused tech courses for grade 9s in Hairstyling and Aesthetics, Hospitality, and now in Digital Making!

Ontario students are required to complete a Tech Ed. class in either grade 9 or grade 10.


Digital Making and Expression

TIJ1O- Grade 9 (Open)

Want to be a creator?  Technology increasingly touches more areas of work, entertainment, and everyday life.  This course explores how people communicate messages, ideas, and personal expression. Students learn about communication technologies and techniques as they relate across graphic, print, and textile design, photography, interactive media, and animation. Students will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues, and will begin to explore secondary and post-secondary pathways leading to careers in the field.

Exploring Hairstyling and Aesthetics

TXJ1O- Grade 9 (Open)

The course provides an overview to the techniques in the Hairstyling and Aesthetics Industry. The development of  fundamental skills in hairstyling, manicures and facials including hair/scalp analysis and treatments will be developed through the use of materials, processes and techniques in the industry. Instructional strategies, including cooperative learning, problem-solving, classroom management for a safe classroom, and evaluation of performance-based learning provide a focus for instructional methods appropriate for industry standards. The course includes evaluation of participants' technical proficiency in Hairstyling and Aesthetics.

Exploring Hospitality and Tourism

TFJ1O- Grade 9 (Open)

This exploratory course introduces students to concepts and skills related to hospitality and tourism, focusing on the areas of food handling, food preparation, the origins of foods, event planning, and local tourism. Students will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues, and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the field.